ICON Community Interface 0.2.0
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ICON Community Interface :: Technical Documentation

The Community Interface (ComIn) organizes the data exchange and simulation events between the ICON model and "3rd party modules". The concept can be logically divided into an Adapter Library and a Callback Register.

  1. Adapter Library: It is included in both, the ICON model and the 3rd party module. It contains descriptive data structures, and regulates the access to existing and the creation of additional model variables.
  2. Callback Register: Subroutines of the 3rd party module may be called at pre-defined events during the model simulation.

Code contributions from different researchers and institutions ("third-party code") are usually not included in the main ICON code, but remain confined to project branches. In any case, they add specific switches and calls to ICON's main loop, making the model code less readable. Additional maintenance is required to keep the third-party code compatible with new versions of ICON. These problems are solved by providing a unified plugin interface. While the core model remains unchanged, third-party code can be run alongside ICON, even if it is implemented in a programming language other than Fortran.

User Guide: This document contains a detailed technical specification of the interfaces. For beginners (users), we recommend reading the User Guide documentation first.

Usage example: The ComIn library is distributed with a standalone emulator minimalexample. This prototype implementation can be found in the file minimal_example.F90.

General remarks

Clarification of terms I: In this document, we use the phrase "3rd party module" and the term "plugin" interchangeably.

Clarification of terms II: There is a fundamental difference between this community interface and a coupling software, e.g. YAC: A coupler technically moves the data between interacting component models. However, this does not solve the question of how to add this interaction in a non-intrusive way to ICON. This is the purpose of the community interface, which exposes ICON's data structures in an organized way and controls what, how and when foreign functions are called and data is exchanged. The concept of a community interface and the coupling software complement each other: One may think of the coupling software as the technical sub-layer when, for example, interpolation or parallel communication is required.

The adapter library allows the 3rd party module(s) to be built separately from the ICON model.

  • The ComIn library is published separately from the ICON model code. For the sake of simplicity, however, the library will also be distributed together with ICON.
  • The MPI library is a prerequisite for using the ComIn library. Plugins, however do not necessarily have to be built with MPI support.
  • The interfaces of the adapter library support multiple computational domains ("*logical* domain IDs", i.e. the intrinsic ICON grid refinements).
  • The data flow from/to the 3rd party module is a priori known to the ICON model (before the model integration but not before the simulation). This allows the handling of parallel synchronization.
  • The basic guideline for development was that the size of the adapter library should be minimal. Furthermore, the amount of data that needs to be provided by the ICON model should be minimal.

Language interoperability

The adapter library is implemented in Fortran 2003, but interfaces are provided for plugins that are written in C/C++ and Python.

In order to support this language interoperability, the BIND(C) attribute is required for some publicly accessible Fortran data structures. This also implies that all public procedures of the ComIn have to be non-type-bound, because calling type-bound procedures via ISO-bindings is not supported by the Fortran standard. Some internal types containing POINTERs, ALLOCATABLEs or CHARACTERs are not defined with the BIND(C) attribute. Instead, access functions to the components of these data type are provided.

Note that combining ICON ComIn with a coupler software already offers another technical solution for language interoperability: Through an adapter, the ComIn mechanism can be used to feed an externally running receiver process with ICON data. This software may be written in C.


  • In the current version, the adapter library allows the access to cell-based ICON data fields, REAL(wp) arrays only. This implies in particular that data structures and arrays related to interpolated latitude-longitude grids are not exposed to the adapter library. However, geometrical information of vertices and edges, which is required for, e.g., interpolation, are provided.
  • For each variable the adapter library allows access to the process-local MPI partition only. Furthermore, most ICON-internal MPI communicators and exchange patterns are not exposed to 3rd party module(s). Only the MPI communicator which contains all MPI PEs (P*rocessing *E*lements, is used here synonymously with the term *MPI task) taking part in the primary constructor calls (ICON worker PEs) is exposed via the interface.
  • The implementation of the function callbacks aims at a coarse-grained level with a moderate calling frequency (i.e. several times per time step but not dozens of times). In particular, callbacks are not intended to be used below ICON's "block-loop level".

Not yet implemented in the current version of ICON ComIn:

  • The negotiation of a processing order between multiple plugins has not yet been implemented. Callbacks are organized in the order in which they have been registered.
  • The synchronization flag COMIN_FLAG_SYNCHRONIZED for the access of variables is currently not supported. In later versions of ComIn, users may signal by this flag that the host model should perform a halo exchange.

Versioning information and compatibility

The ComIn library uses semantic versioning (https://semver.org), which encodes a version by a three-part version number (Major.Minor.Patch). As a convention, the major version has to match between ComIn, the ICON model, and the 3rd party modules for correct interaction. The minor version should be backward compatible.

Example: A 3rd party module using ComIn v1.1 capabilities should still work with ComIn v1.2.

As many components of the development are still in the testing phase, the initial public release is set to version number 0.1.0.

Both, the 3rd party modules and the host model (ICON), are built independently and may be related to different versions of ICON ComIn. ComIn uses the SONAME to ensure that the library that is loaded at runtime is compatible with the version, that was used at compile time. E.g. libcomin.so.1 is the library name of the ComIn version 1.x.y. When loading a 3rd party module, it is explicitly checked that the major versions of the ComIn library that is used by the host model and the one that is used by the 3rd party library match.

The user can obtain the version information for the ComIn library that is used at runtime (loaded by the host model at startup) by calling the function comin_setup_get_version(), which returns an object of type t_comin_setup_version_info:

TYPE :: t_comin_setup_version_info
INTEGER :: version_no_major, version_no_minor, version_no_patch
END TYPE t_comin_setup_version_info

API compatibility and ABI compatibility

Data structures for the transfer of data between the host and the plugin are allocated once by the host. A pointer to these data structures is propagated to each of the plugins. This approach fails if the plugin assumes a different structure for the data due to a different ComIn version at build time. This means: Changes in the ComIn data state result in ABI incompatibility, and therefore this requires a change of the major version number.

Of course, there is also the issue of API incompatibility, where functions and/or interfaces change. These also result in a change of the major revision number.

Note to ComIn developers: Introducing new global module variables with the intention of transferring data between the host and the plugin outside of the ComIn state module may corrupt the above mechanism! Therefore global module variables should be generally avoided.

Namespaces and scopes

As a replacement for a namespace functionality, which is not available in the Fortran programming language, ComIn uses the prefix comin_* for all modules and public entities (internally and externally public). The other part of the name follows this naming convention:

  • Procedures are named comin_<scope>_<method>
  • Variables are named comin_<scope>_<description>
  • Derived Types are named t_comin_<scope>_<description>.

The naming element <scope> classifies the general context the object is used for. List of scopes (non-exhaustive): setup, current, callback, parallel, descrdata, var, errhandler. The meaning of these different scopes will become clear from the descriptions below.

Host and plugins

Although ComIn is designed specifically for ICON, the code should remain agnostic of the host model and the attached third party plugins. Thus, the driving host model (ICON) is simply referred to by host in the code and the third party plugins are referred to by plugin.

  • ComIn interface to ICON A module named ´comin_host_interface´ provides all procedures, variables and constants that are exposed to ICON. This module does not provide any actual implementation. Thus, it consists only of USE and PUBLIC statements. The convention is that from the ICON side, no other module than comin_host_interface must be used.
  • ComIn interface to plugins A module named `comin_plugin_interface` provides all procedures, variables and constants that are exposed to third party plugins. Again, this module does not provide any actual implementation. Thus, it consists only of USE and PUBLIC statements. The convention is that from the third party plugin side, no other module than comin_plugin_interface must be used.

Error handling in functions and subroutines

The ComIn library has deliberately not implemented a comprehensive error handling mechanism. However, an error signalling using error codes defined in `comin_errhandler_constants` is available. The main reasons for the decision against a comprehensive error handling are that in many situations runtime errors are not caught by the caller, cannot be handled automatically, and hinder the direct localization of the faulty code section with a debugger.

In general, high-level routines (callbacks, constructors) do not return an error state, while lower-level helper functions return erroneous user input, e.g. in the form of an error state ierr. An error code is equal to COMIN_SUCCESS for a successful operation. Other error state codes are defined in comin_errhandler_constants. However, the existence of an ierr argument does not imply that the function will always return to the caller in some way. Unrecoverable errors may be handled internally (abort), depending on the function. Generally, only SUBROUTINEs will return an error state, FUNCTIONs will either return a null pointer or call comin_plugin_finish() if essential information is not available.

To evaluate an error status into an error message, comin_error() is available. This subroutine takes the error status and an optional argument to indicate the scope and writes the error message to the standard error stream.

Within their plugin implementation, users can call the finish routine, which is an exposed ICON subroutine (reverse callback): A function pointer to ICON's finish can be retrieved via comin_plugin_finish() (module comin_plugin_interface). It is initialized by the host model through the subroutine comin_setup_errhandler(). This setting is mandatory and must be done before calling the comin_setup_check().

Adapter library

Access to model variables

Access period: Access to model variables is possible in the 3rd party module's secondary constructor (see below) and all subsequent subroutine callbacks. The contents of the model variables might change between callbacks.

The following information is required to describe (and uniquely identify) a model variable in ICON:

END TYPE t_comin_var_descriptor

Encapsulation of this information into a (constant) data structure of the data type t_comin_var_descriptor is necessary for two reasons: a) iterating over the list of available variable is simplified, and b) future extensions, e.g. to lat-lon variables, are possible without changing 3rd party code.


  • The variable descriptor does not contain information about whether the variable is a "standard field" or a tracer, the latter corresponding to an add_ref in ICON. Unique names are required here, while information about a variable's nature can be retrieved from its metadata (see section metadata).
  • The t_comin_var_descriptor denotes an ICON variable and does not contain information about a specific 3rd party module. As a consequence, new variables that are added to ICON have to be unique, and this also applies in the case of multiple active plugins. Conflicting variables between different modules can result in a runtime abort (more details are described below in the section Creating additional model variables).
  • Not all ICON variables are necessarily provided to the 3rd party modules. The set of exposed data fields is not defined by the adapter library (and its version) but by the ICON model and may even depend on ICON runtime settings.

The variable descriptor is stored alongside with the data array (pointer) and metadata in a data structure of the internal type t_comin_var_item:

TYPE :: t_comin_var_item
TYPE(t_comin_var_metadata) :: metadata
TYPE(t_comin_var_ptr), POINTER :: p => null()
END TYPE t_comin_var_item

The list of available (model) variables is managed in an internal data structure of the adapter library (variable list comin_var_list in t_comin_state). Note that the derived data type t_comin_var_item is not exposed to the host model or the plugins. ComIn plugins, for example, can access the data members via the subroutines comin_var_get_descr_list_head(), comin_var_get(), and comin_metadata_get(), see Iteration and Metadata.

The ICON model (host code) accesses the list of exposed variables with procedures for adding variables, and for removing the entire variable list, freeing the memory.

SUBROUTINE comin_var_list_append(p, ierr)
TYPE(t_comin_var_ptr), POINTER :: p
END SUBROUTINE comin_var_list_append
SUBROUTINE comin_var_list_finalize(ierr)
END SUBROUTINE comin_var_list_finalize

Read/Write access

Access to ICON data fields happens via an accessor function comin_var_get. This subroutine is intended to be called in the secondary constructor of the 3rd party module (see Secondary constructor). It may not be called at an earlier or later time, and it serves the purpose of associating internal variable pointers of the 3rd party module to the ICON internal memory.

Basically, comin_var_get(context, var_descriptor, flag, var_pointer) returns a 5-dimensional REAL(wp) pointer var_pointer. A return value var_pointer /= NULL means "success". The index ordering is defined within the ICON model and may change between different versions of the community interface. The interpretation of the different array dimensions is mostly left to the user.

Remark (array blocking). In ICON, for reasons of cache efficiency nearly all DO loops over grid cells, edges, and vertices are organized in two nested loops: "jb loops" and "jc loops". Often, the outer loop jb is parallelized with OpenMP. With respect to the data layout, this means that arrays are split into several chunks of a much smaller length nproma. This array blocking is exposed via ComIn.

The type t_comin_var_ptr provides dimension indices in the range 1,..,5 for the line (jc, nproma) and block dimension (jb) as well as the vertical dimension (jk). For tracer fields the position index pos_jn hold information about the tracer slice dimension (see below). Note that the index positions are translated to 0-based indexing for the C/C++ and the Python interfaces of ComIn.

**Convenience function comin_var_to_3d for accessing 2D/3D fields.** In practice, access to fields can be simplified, under the condition that the sequence of dimensions is (jc,jk,jb). This exact dimension sequence is (currently) fulfilled by the ICON model. In this case, a 3D pointer variable REAL(wp) :: slice(:,:,:) can be generated directly from a variable of type TYPE(t_comin_var_ptr) using the function

FUNCTION comin_var_to_3d(var) RESULT(slice)
TYPE(t_comin_var_ptr), INTENT(IN) :: var
REAL(wp), POINTER :: slice(:,:,:)
END FUNCTION comin_var_to_3d
static double * comin_var_to_3d(void *handle)
Convenience operation for accessing 2D/3D fields.
Definition comin.h:200

The Python interface implements this as a field property):

variable = comin.var_get( ... )
void fill_buffer(Py_buffer *buffer, void *mem, int *shape, int ndims, int readonly=1)
Definition util.h:26

A similar function is available for C/C++:

variable = comin_var_get( ... );
double* slice = comin_var_to_3d(variable);

Here, the additional restriction holds that array slices for (jc,jk,jb) have to be stored contiguously in memory, because only in this case can these variables be expressed by a simple base pointer.

Regarding the data array, the comin_var_get accessor function returns a pointer to an auxiliary data structure t_comin_var_ptr which wraps the REAL(wp) pointer. This indirection allows to switch between "old" and "new" time levels: The distinction between "old" and "new" (nnow, nnew) states, which is available in ICON for some data fields, is not exposed to the adapter library. Instead, for these fields the exposed pointers are always associated with the latest modified state. To access an "old" time level, 3rd party modules should allocate local buffers.

TYPE :: t_comin_var_ptr
TYPE(t_comin_var_descriptor) :: descriptor
REAL(wp), POINTER :: ptr(:,:,:,:,:)
INTEGER :: pos_jc = -1, pos_jk = -1, pos_jb = -1, pos_jn = -1
INTEGER :: ncontained = 0
LOGICAL(kind=c_bool) :: lcontainer = .false.
END TYPE t_comin_var_ptr

An ICON model variable is always requested within a context, i.e. an entry point where the model variable is accessed (named integer constant, see the section "Entry points" below). The accessor function comin_var_get accepts a list of (possibly) multiple entry points: INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: context(:)

Code example:

TYPE(t_comin_var_ptr), POINTER :: p
CALL comin_var_get(context, var_descriptor, flag, p)
void * comin_var_get(int context_len, int *context, struct t_comin_var_descriptor var_descriptor, int flag)

Important note: The access for the context EP_SECONDARY_CONSTRUCTOR is excluded for the subroutine comin_var_get, since the variables of the host model do not have to be formally assigned with meaningful values at the time of execution of the secondary constructor.

The optional argument flag provides information w.r.t. the data flow. Flags may be combined like flag = IOR(COMIN_FLAG_READ, COMIN_FLAG_WRITE). Technically, this can be realized as follows:

! (note that these flags represent bit positions!)
end enum

Please note that as described in the section on Limitations above: "The synchronization flag `COMIN_FLAG_SYNCHRONIZED` for the access of variables is currently not supported." If no flag is provided, read/write access to a non-synchronized field is assumed, i.e. the values in the halo region of the domain may be uninitialized or invalid, depending on the entry point and the particular field. Illegal write access to a data field is not detected by the ICON model due to efficiency reasons. In theory, this could be achieved by a debug version (compile-time switch) of the adapter library, which would allocate and compare local buffers.


In some modules of the ICON code, e.g. the tracer module, there is a need for handling multiple variables at once, located in contiguous storage. These are called model variable containers. For tracer fields (or possibly other container variables) the subroutine comin_var_get returns an array pointer to the slice of the container in which the tracer lives. Alternatively, in order to access the container array itself, the subroutine comin_var_get may be called directly for the container variable "tracer". More precisely, the Fortran language API returns an object of type TYPE(t_comin_var_ptr). This provides for individual tracer fields, e.g. qv, the slice index ncontained, corresponding to the tracer's position in the container array. For the container array, indicated by the logical flag lcontainer=.TRUE., the tracer's slice equals tracerptr(:,:,:,:,qvncontained). The position of the slice index dimension is provided by tracerpos_jn. Note that tracer variables in ICON have multiple time levels.

Turbulent & convective transport of tracers

By setting the logical metadata switches tracer_turb and tracer_conv (see section on [metadata][#metadata] for more information), tracers requested by a plugin can be added to the calculation of turbulent or convective transport tendencies. Please note the following remarks:

  • ICON's turbulence/convection parameterization needs to be capable of calculating the tendencies for additional tracers. This is currently the case for inwp_turb=1/inwp_convection = 1. There are no checks done for this.
  • Updating the mass mixing ratios of tracers requested by a plugin with the tendencies calculated by ICON's physical parameterizations is neither done by ICON nor ComIn. Dealing with these updates is thus left to the plugin. A comin_request_add_var with tracer_turb=.TRUE. and/or tracer_conv=.TRUE. requests an add_var of a variable for the respective tendency in addition. Pointers to these additional tendency variables can be accessed by plugins like any other variable. The naming conventions are ddt_<tracername>_turb and ddt_<tracername>_conv. Please note that in ICON these tendency variables are stored in containers. As a tracer is not necessarily subject to convective or turbulent transport, the indexing of the different containers might differ.

A word of caution: Undefined behavior when accessing output diagnostics

It can be dangerous for a third party module to request an ICON field which is only diagnosed at output time steps. A known example is the mean sea level pressure pres_msl. If such a field is used as input for additional computations, results will depend on the output frequency specified in the ICON namelist. Registering such a field for restart in order to save its state is of course possible, but will not solve the problem. Currently, the only solution would be to manually set the fields' update frequency in the ICON code. Even worse, there is no metadata flag by which the third party module could check if the requested field is such a problematic 'output-only' field.

Iterating over variables

Variable descriptors can be explicitly specified, but there is also the possibility to iterate over a linked list of exposed ICON variables. Note that this mechanism is not related to the structure of ICON's internal variable lists. The linked list is implemented in the module comin_variables as list type t_var_descr_list. The iteration can be done by starting at the list's head and iterating to the linked list items of type t_comin_var_descr_list_item and accessing the variable through the t_comin_var_descriptor as defined above.

Code example:

TYPE(t_comin_var_descr_list_item), POINTER :: var_descr_list_ptr
var_descr_list_ptr => comin_var_get_descr_list_head()
DO WHILE (ASSOCIATED(var_descr_list_ptr))
associate(descriptor => var_descr_list_ptr%item_value)
WRITE (0,*) "name = ", trim(descriptor%name)
END associate
var_descr_list_ptr => var_descr_list_ptr%next()
void * comin_var_get_descr_list_head()

Creating additional model variables

A list of to-be-created variables is built by the primary constructor of the 3rd party module (see below) and made known to the ICON model via the adapter library function comin_var_request_add(). The add_var and add_ref functions from the ICON model are not directly exposed.


  • Only cell-based REAL(wp)-valued variables can be requested. These are either surface (2D) variables or 3D variables with nlev levels. The index ordering may change between different versions of the community interface.
  • Variables may be requested exclusively by one 3rd party module, leading to a model abort in case another 3rd party module tries to request the same variable (determined by variable name).
  • Requests for the creation of variables that are issued after the primary constructor are ignored by the ICON model.
  • The memory buffers for requested variables are allocated by the ICON model after the primary constructor has finished (even if they are not used). However, if a 3rd party module requests the creation of a variable through this subroutine, it is still not guaranteed that this variable is actually created! It might be skipped due to inconsistencies, it could be a duplicate etc. Therefore, 3rd party modules still have to evaluate the return code of comin_var_get (a return value var_pointer /= NULL means "success").
  • Created variables can be accessed via the standard ICON model output. The ICON-internal interpolation to regular grids is done with default methods (horizontal: RBF, vertical: linear.
  • Considering the return code of the request, the additional variables should then be accessed from ICON via comin_var_get as described above. In other words: On the side of the plugins it is to be noted that by the execution of the procedure comin_var_request_add not yet immediately a variable is created, which can be used afterwards directly by the plugin. Instead this step represents only the registration of a new variable, which must be queried - like the remaining variables - with the function comin_var_get.
  • While it is possible to create variables only for certain domains, ICON has the restriction that tracer variables have to be present on every domain. For this reason, it is necessary to choose domain id -1 (meaning all domains) as part of the var_descriptor for variables with tracer = .true..

The syntax for requesting a new variable is

SUBROUTINE comin_var_request_add(var_descriptor, lmodexclusive, ierr)
TYPE (t_comin_var_descriptor), INTENT(IN) :: var_descriptor
LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: lmodexclusive
END SUBROUTINE comin_var_request_add
void comin_var_request_add(struct t_comin_var_descriptor var_descriptor, bool lmodexclusive, int *ierr)

When the requests for add_var/add_ref are processed by the ICON host code, a consistency check is performed which handles conflicts with existing model variables.

  1. Variables may also be appended to ICON's container of tracer variables through the tracer flag (part of the metadata). Apart from that aspect it is not possible to create additional variable containers via the adapter library. It cannot be assumed (if only because of the "sharing" of variables between multiple ComIn plugins) that the tracers generated by a module are stored consecutively.
  2. During each call to comin_var_request_add by a 3rd party module, a check is performed if the requested variable is already registered. If this is the case, the subsequent behavior depends on the setting of lmodexclusive: the model aborts if the variable exists and is either requested exclusively in this call or was requested exclusively before. Otherwise a new variable, with the properties provided, is added to the list of requested variables.
  3. Newly created fields can be added to ICON's set of restart variables.

The restriction of the restart registration to newly created variables has been a deliberate design decision which greatly simplifies the interplay between ComIn and the ICON code. If the ComIn allowed to change the restart flag of existing variables in ICON, this would require additional code in ICON which performs this flag overriding at an appropriate place in ICON's initialization procedure. Besides, overriding the restart flag could be confusing for ICON developers due to its "magic behind the scenes" controlled by the ComIn. On the other hand, a workaround for adding existing variables to the restart could be implemented entirely on the 3rd party side by adding a custom restart-capable variable and attaching two additional routines after the restart read-in and before the restart write-out which handle the copy in/out.

Iterating over cells

Loops in the 3rd party module can be organized using an auxiliary function comin_descrdata_get_cell_indices() which replicates the behavior of its ICON model counterpart.

Code example:

DO jb = i_startblk, i_endblk
& i_startblk, i_endblk, &
& is, ie, grf_bdywidth_c+1, &
& min_rlcell_int)
void comin_descrdata_get_cell_indices(int jg, int i_blk, int i_startblk, int i_endblk, int *i_startidx, int *i_endidx, int irl_start, int irl_end)

where jg denotes the logical domain ID.


Metadata information can be set when requesting additional variables and retrieved for existing and newly created model variables. The instructions start with introducing which metadata is available and how to retrieve it before providing some details on how to set new metadata when requesting additional variables.

Metadata are provided read-only to the 3rd party plugins. They are available from the secondary constructor and do not change over runtime. Examples for information provided as variable metadata are information about if the variable is a tracer, or if it is a restart variable. Note that some metadata is tracer-specific and therefore prepended by tracer_. Note that for optimal memory management all strings are provided as pointers. Also note that for tendency variables (like tendency due to turbulence), the metadata tracer_turb and tracer_conv are not set.

Currently the metadata information for zaxis_id is incomplete. The interpretation of fields with the property COMIN_ZAXIS_3D is already possible (includes all fields described by ZA_REFERENCE in ICON), and also ICON's ZA_SURFACE fields (surface or other 2D fields like 10 m wind) are described by the property COMIN_ZAXIS_2D. All other vertical axis types are grouped under COMIN_ZAXIS_UNDEF. This includes information about soil layers. In a future release, the list of zaxis_id options will be expanded to more accurately describe the underlying data. For now, pos_jk as part of t_comin_var_ptr can be used to determine the vertical axis and its size.

metadata data type description default
zaxis_id INTEGER gives an interpretation of the vertical axis (2D = COMIN_ZAXIS_2D, atmospheric levels = COMIN_ZAXIS_3D, ...) COMIN_ZAXIS_3D
restart LOGICAL Flag. TRUE, if this is a restart variable .FALSE.
multi_timelevel LOGICAL Flag. TRUE, if this variable corresponds to an ICON variable with multiple time levels. .FALSE.
tracer LOGICAL Flag. TRUE, if this is a tracer variable .FALSE.
tracer_turb LOGICAL Flag. TRUE, if this tracer shall take part in turbulent transport .FALSE.
tracer_conv LOGICAL Flag. TRUE, if this tracer shall take part in convective transport .FALSE.
tracer_hlimit INTEGER horizontal limiter positive definite flux limiter
tracer_vlimit INTEGER vertical limiter semi-monotonous slope limiter
tracer_hadv INTEGER method for horizontal tracer transport miura horizontal advection scheme
tracer_vadv INTEGER method for vertical tracer transport PPM vertical advection scheme
units CHARACTER units (as part of CF metadata convention) empty string
standard_name CHARACTER standard_name (as part of CF metadata convention) empty string
long_name CHARACTER long_name (as part of CF metadata convention) empty string
short_name CHARACTER short_name (as part of CF metadata convention) empty string

In the above table the default value refers to the value ICON receives from ComIn when requesting an additional variables. Please be aware that setting ihadv_tracer, ivadv_tracer, itype_hlimit or itype_vlimit in ICON's &transport_nml overwrites settings coming from ComIn (for the ComIn metadata tracer_hadv, tracer_vadv, tracer_hlimit and tracer_vlimit respecively).

The derived data type t_comin_var_metadata storing the metadata internally is not exposed to the host model or the plugins. ComIn plugins, for example, can access the data members via the subroutine comin_metadata_get.

SUBROUTINE comin_metadata_get_<val datatype>(var_descriptor, key, val, ierr)
TYPE(t_comin_var_descriptor), INTENT(IN) :: var_descriptor
<val datatype>, INTENT(OUT) :: val
END SUBROUTINE comin_metadata_get_<val datatype>

An error code is equal to 0 for a successful request.

While the Fortran and Python API of the ComIn can handle generic arguments of type INTEGER, LOGICAL, the C implementation of the interface does not support generic argument data types. Therefore, special variants of this subroutine exist:

void comin_metadata_get_real(struct t_comin_var_descriptor* var_descriptor, const char* key, double* val, int* ierr);
void comin_metadata_get_character(struct t_comin_var_descriptor* var_descriptor, const char* key, const char* val, int* ierr);
void comin_metadata_get_logical(struct t_comin_var_descriptor var_descriptor, const char *key, bool *val, int *ierr)
void comin_metadata_get_real(struct t_comin_var_descriptor var_descriptor, const char *key, double *val, int *ierr)
void comin_metadata_get_character(struct t_comin_var_descriptor var_descriptor, const char *key, char const **val, int *len, int *ierr)
void comin_metadata_get_integer(struct t_comin_var_descriptor var_descriptor, const char *key, int *val, int *ierr)

Metadata items are identified by a character string key. The data type of a particular metadata item can be retrieved by calling

INTEGER FUNCTION comin_metadata_get_typeid(key) RESULT(typeid)
END FUNCTION comin_metadata_get_typeid
int comin_metadata_get_typeid(const char *key)


On the host model side, the comin_var_request_add operations expects information on the properties of the variable which should be registered. These are provided using the function

SUBROUTINE comin_metadata_set(descriptor, key, val, ierr)
TYPE(t_comin_var_descriptor), INTENT(IN) :: descriptor
<val data type>, INTENT(IN) :: val
END SUBROUTINE comin_metadata_set

If a metadata value cannot be added to a newly requested field a warning message is thrown (similarly also from the host model for its variables). The error code can be evaluated in addition and the plugin can decide to abort the simulation.

For the C implementation, in analogy to the read accessor functions comin_metadata_get_<data type>, there exist special, type-specific write accessor functions comin_metadata_set_<data type>.

The comin_var_request_add procedure implies the following behavior when the same variable is added multiple times by different plugins, but with different metadata: In this case, the "first come, first serve" rule applies, i.e. the metadata will not be overwritten by plugins that are executed later.

Descriptive data structures

The descriptive data structures contain information on the ICON setup (e.g. Fortran KIND values), the computational grid(s), and the simulation status.

All descriptive data structures are treated as read-only (seen from the perspective of the 3rd party plugins). However, this read-only nature is (currently) not enforced. For efficiency reasons, the adapter library directly uses pointers to ICON data structures where possible. This holds mostly for components of p_patch, while non p_patch descriptive data are copied from the host model.

Date and time information (simulation status) is provided as character strings according to ISO 8601. Note that there are exceptions to this rule where in ICON time information is stored internally in seconds (timesteplength per domain from comin_descrdata_get_timesteplength() and dom_start/dom_end from t_comin_descrdata_domain).

All getter functions for descriptive data don't return an code but abort the simulation (call comin_plugin_finish) since their non-existance points to a larger problem. In general in ComIn functions don't return error codes.

The majority of the examples provided cover Fortran. The interface to C are often different and some notes on this are provided in a section on C/C++ and python interfaces.

Global data

Access period: The global data is set by the host as the first descriptive data structure (since it is required for grid information). Global data is available for the 3rd party module's primary constructor and all subsequent subroutine callbacks. Global data is never changed or updated. Global data is invariant w.r.t. the computational grid (logical domain ID).

Global data is encapsulated in a data type t_comin_descrdata_global and can be requested with comin_descrdata_get_global() (returning a POINTER and aborting the simulation if unsuccessful). It is set up by a call to icon_build_global in ICON (calling comin_descrdata_set_global) before the primary constructor. Its internal structure may change between different versions of the adapter library.

List of global data:

name data type description
n_dom INTEGER number of logical domains
max_dom INTEGER maximum number of logical domains
nproma INTEGER block size
min_rlcell_int INTEGER block index
min_rlcell INTEGER block index
grf_bdywidth_c INTEGER block index
grf_bdywidth_e INTEGER block index
lrestartrun LOGICAL if this simulation is a restart
vct_a 1D REAL(dp) array (1:(nlev+1)) param. A of the vertical coordinate (without topography)
host_git_remote_url CHARACTER(LEN=:) git remote url of the origin repository of the host model
host_git_branch CHARACTER(LEN=:) git branch name of the host model
host_git_tag CHARACTER(LEN=:) git tag of the host model
host_revision CHARACTER(LEN=:) revision of the host model

Some global data, e.g. the Fortran KIND value information wp, are required by the 3rd party module at compile time. However, due to the loose connection between the 3rd party module and the ICON model via the adapter library, the following implementation procedure is proposed:

  1. The 3rd party module is compiled with a fixed Fortran KIND value.
  2. In the module's primary constructor, the ICON model's KIND value is retrieved from the global data of the adapter library. A consistency check may throw a runtime exception.

The host model can assert the compatibility of its wp value through the subroutine comin_setup_check().

Grid information

Access period: Grid information is available for the 3rd party module's primary constructor and all subsequent subroutine callbacks. Grid information is never changed or updated. The data structures in this section are replicated for each computational domain (logical domain ID).

Topological data structures

Topological data is encapsulated in a data type t_comin_descrdata_domain and can be requested for domain jg with comin_descrdata_get_domain(jg) (returning a POINTER and aborting the simulation if unsuccessful). It is set up by a call to comin_descrdata_set_domain() in the host model (ICON) before the primary constructor. The internal structure may change between different versions of the adapter library.

Structure of type t_comin_descrdata_domain

name data type description
grid_filename CHARACTER horizontal grid file name
grid_uuid CHARACTER alphanumerical binary hash, note that this UUID field is not the (slightly longer) hexadecimal UUID string suitable for print-out
number_of_grid_used INTEGER number of grid used (GRIB2 key)
id 1D INTEGER array (1:max_dom) ID of current domain
n_childdom INTEGER number of child domains
dom_start REAL(wp) model domain start time in elapsed seconds
dom_end REAL(wp) model domain end time in elapsed seconds
nlev INTEGER no. of vertical model levels
nshift INTEGER half level of parent domain that coincides with upper margin of current domain
nshift_total INTEGER total shift of model top w.r.t. global domain
cells TYPE(t_comin_descrdata_domain_cells), see below properties for cells
verts TYPE(t_comin_descrdata_domain_verts), see below properties for vertices
edges TYPE(t_comin_descrdata_domain_edges), see below properties for edges

Structure of type t_comin_descrdata_domain_cells

name data type description
ncells INTEGER no. of local cells
ncells_global INTEGER no. of global cells
nblks INTEGER no. of blocks for cells
max_connectivity INTEGER
num_edges 2D INTEGER array (nproma, nblks_c) number of edges
refin_ctrl 2D INTEGER array lateral boundary distance index
start_index 1D INTEGER array start index
end_index 1D INTEGER array end index
start_block 1D INTEGER array start block for cells
end_block 1D INTEGER array end block for cells
child_id 2D INTEGER array (nproma, nblks_c) domain id of child triangles
child_idx 3D INTEGER array (nproma, nblks_c, 4) indices of child triangles
child_blk 3D INTEGER array (nproma, nblks_c, 4) blocks of child triangles
parent_glb_idx 2D INTEGER array (nproma, nblks_c) global indices of parent triangles
parent_glb_blk 2D INTEGER array (nproma, nblks_c) global blocks of parent triangles
vertex_idx 3D INTEGER array (nproma, nblks_c, 3) indices of vertices
vertex_blk 3D INTEGER array (nproma, nblks_c, 3) blocks of vertices
neighbor_idx 3D INTEGER array (nproma, nblks_c, 3) indices of neighbors
neighbor_blk 3D INTEGER array (nproma, nblks_c, 3) blocks of neighbors
edge_idx 3D INTEGER array (nproma, nblks_c, 3) indices of edges
edge_blk 3D INTEGER array (nproma, nblks_c, 3) blocks of edges
clon 2D REAL(wp) array (nproma, nblks_c) cell center longitude
clat 2D REAL(wp) array (nproma, nblks_c) cell center latitude
area 2D REAL(wp) array (nproma, nblks_c) triangle area
hhl 3D REAL(wp) array (nproma, nlev+1, nblks_c) geometrical height of half levels at cell center

Structure of type t_comin_descrdata_domain_verts

name data type description
nverts INTEGER no. of local verts
nverts_global INTEGER no. of global verts
nblks INTEGER no. of blocks for verts
refin_ctrl 2D INTEGER array lateral boundary distance index
start_index 1D INTEGER array start index
end_index 1D INTEGER array end index
start_block 1D INTEGER array start block
end_block 1D INTEGER array end block
neighbor_idx 3D INTEGER array (nproma, nblks_v, 6) indices of neighbors
neighbor_blk 3D INTEGER array (nproma, nblks_v, 6) blocks of neighbors
cell_idx 3D INTEGER array (nproma, nblks_v, 6) indices of cells
cell_blk 3D INTEGER array (nproma, nblks_v, 6) blocks of cells
edge_idx 3D INTEGER array (nproma, nblks_v, 6) indices of edges
edge_blk 3D INTEGER array (nproma, nblks_v, 6) blocks of edges
vlon 2D REAL(wp) (nproma, nblks_v) longitude vertex
vlat 2D REAL(wp) (nproma, nblks_v) latitude vertex

Structure of type t_comin_descrdata_domain_edges

name data type description
nedges INTEGER no. of local edges
nedges_global INTEGER no. of global edges
nblks INTEGER no. of blocks for edges
refin_ctrl 2D INTEGER array lateral boundary distance index
start_index 1D INTEGER array start index
end_index 1D INTEGER array end index
start_block 1D INTEGER array start block
end_block 1D INTEGER array end block
child_id 2D INTEGER array (nproma, nblks_e) domain id of child edges
child_idx 3D INTEGER array (nproma, nblks_e, 4) indices of child edges
child_blk 3D INTEGER array (nproma, nblks_e, 4) blocks of child edges
parent_glb_idx 2D INTEGER array (nproma, nblks_e) global indices of parent edges
parent_glb_blk 2D INTEGER array (nproma, nblks_e) global blocks of parent edges
cell_idx 3D INTEGER array (nproma, nblks_e, 2) indices of cells
cell_blk 3D INTEGER array (nproma, nblks_e, 2) blocks of cells
vertex_idx 3D INTEGER array (nproma, nblks_e, 4) indices of vertices
vertex_blk 3D INTEGER array (nproma, nblks_e, 4) blocks of vertices
elon 2D REAL(wp) (nproma, nblks_e) longitude edge midpoint
elat 2D REAL(wp) (nproma, nblks_e) latitude edge midpoint

Geometrical information is provided as horizontal (cell-wise) data fields, e.g. clon, clat, area. Instead of information about the vertical grid, the plugins may access the ICON variable HHL.

Parallelization information

Implicitly, the above tables also contain some information on the parallelization: The data structure contains the information whether the local PE is a compute process owning prognostic grid points.

Explicit information on the parallelization of cells is contained for domain jg in the type t_comin_descrdata_domain_cells.

List of data structures related to parallelization:

name data type description
glb_index 1D INTEGER array global cell indices
decomp_domain 2D INTEGER array (nproma, nblks_c) domain decomposition flag

In addition, the function comin_descrdata_index_lookup_glb2loc_cell() can be used to determine the local index to a corresponding global index.

Timing information on the simulation

Access period: The simulation timing info is available for the 3rd party module's primary constructor and all subsequent subroutine callbacks. It is set by a call to comin_descrdata_set_simulation_interval() from the host.

The simulation timing info is provided as ISO 8601 character strings and can be requested with comin_descrdata_get_simulation_interval() (returning a POINTER and aborting the simulation if unsuccessful). Its internal structure may change between different versions of the adapter library.

List of data structures related to the simulation timing info:

name data type description
exp_start CHARACTER simulation start time stamp
exp_stop CHARACTER simulation end time stamp
run_start CHARACTER start of this simulation (-> restart)
run_stop CHARACTER stop of this simulation (-> restart)

Routines to access the current state of ComIn

The current simulation date time stamp can be obtained as an ISO 8601 string from the accessor subroutine

SUBROUTINE comin_current_get_datetime(sim_time_current)
void comin_current_get_datetime(char const **val, int *len, int *ierr)

During the simulation the current date time stamp is updated by a call to comin_current_set_datetime() from the host, it is available beginning with the entry point EP_ATM_TIMELOOP_BEFORE.

To access information on the current entry point being processed by ComIn, the currently executing plugin and the current domain selected in ICON routines are provided from within ComIn. comin_current_get_ep can be called from within a plugin, for example when one procedure is registered for several entry points but slight deviations in behavior between the entry points are necessary.

SUBROUTINE comin_current_get_ep(curr_ep, ierr) &
INTEGER(c_int), INTENT(OUT) :: curr_ep
INTEGER(c_int), INTENT(OUT) :: ierr
int comin_current_get_ep()

comin_current_get_plugin_info() gives access to components of the data type t_comin_plugin_info. It can for example be used to access the id of the current plugin. The data type also stores information on the plugin name, associated options and, if present, its communicator.

SUBROUTINE comin_current_get_plugin_info(comin_current_plugin, ierr)
TYPE(t_comin_plugin_info), INTENT(OUT) :: comin_current_plugin
void comin_current_get_plugin_info(struct t_comin_plugin_info_c* comin_current_plugin);

comin_current_get_domain_id() is provided together with descriptive data as part of the adapter library. A C version of this routine is also available. Callbacks might be called from ICON from the global domain or from any nested domain. The currently selected domain can be accessed via this subroutine.

SUBROUTINE comin_current_get_domain_id(domain_id, ierr) &
INTEGER(c_int), INTENT(OUT) :: domain_id
INTEGER(c_int), INTENT(OUT) :: ierr
int comin_current_get_domain_id()

Auxiliary procedures

Another small set of auxiliary built-in subroutines does not communicate with the ICON model but provides common functionality (utilities):

List of auxiliary built-in subroutines and functions:

name description
comin_descrdata_get_index(), comin_descrdata_get_block() convert 1D index into nproma-blocked index
comin_descrdata_get_cell_npromz length of last block
comin_descrdata_get_edge_npromz length of last block
comin_descrdata_get_vert_npromz length of last block

Verbosity level

Following ICON's parameter msg_level, the verbosity of the log output is controlled by an integer value in the ComIn library as well: By means of the auxiliary routine comin_setup_set_verbosity_level() the host model specifies whether log outputs are generated by the MPI process 0 e.g. when passing the entry points or when registering the callback functions. The higher the specified value, the more extensive the output (0=silent, 20=all log messages are output).

Callback register

The callback register is part of the ComIn library. It fulfils the following tasks:

  1. Subroutines of the 3rd party module may be called at pre-defined events during the model simulation.
  2. When multiple 3rd party modules are present, a processing order is negotiated with the ICON model.

Enabling 3rd party plugins through namelist settings

This section describes the mechanism of registering new 3rd party modules. We distinguish between two setup routines, a primary constructor and a secondary constructor, both described in the following:

The primary constructor is called before the allocation of ICON variable lists and fields. Its call is automatically triggered by the host model through a call to the subroutine

SUBROUTINE comin_plugin_primaryconstructor(plugin_list, ierr)
TYPE(t_comin_plugin_description), INTENT(IN) :: plugin_list(:)


TYPE :: t_comin_plugin_description
END TYPE t_comin_plugin_description

where the maximum character string lengths are defined in a file global.inc (also accessible for C and python programs).

The rationale behind the type t_comin_plugin_description is to provide a Fortran namelist in the host model, e.g.,

plugin_list(1)%name = "name"
plugin_list(1)%plugin_library = "libraryname.so"
plugin_list(1)%primary_constructor = "constructorroutine"
plugin_list(2)%name = ...
plugin_list(2)%plugin_library = ...
plugin_list(2)%primary_constructor = ...

in order to enable/disable the ComIn plugins at runtime.

  • By name we denote a simple string that is used for output purposes related to this plugin.
  • By plugin_library we denote the dynamically loaded library (including its file extension .so). If the plugin has been statically linked to the host model, this argument should be skipped or an empty string should be provided.
  • By primary_constructor we denote the name of the primary constructor subroutine, the default value is comin_main.
  • By comm we denote the name of the MPI communicator that is created for this particular plugin. This is useful when exchanging data with other running processes, see the section on MPI communicators below. The parameter comm can be left as an empty string if the application does not require a communicator for this plugin.
  • The options data offers the possibility to pass a character string (e.g. a python script filename) to the plugin.

If multiple 3rd party modules are enabled, the primary constructor calls will be added in the same order as they appear in the comin_nml namelist unless specified otherwise (not possible in the first release).

Remark. The runtime configuration of the ComIn callback library is implemented as the simple t_comin_plugin_description data structure instead of using a special file-based input format, in particular Fortran namelists (or YAML, XML, etc.). This I/O abstraction is motivated by the fact that the configuration could be read from a restart file as well as from an ASCII file in ICON. Other ways of reading the configuration could be introduced by the host model in the future and should not affect the ComIn interfaces.

3rd party primary constructor

The setup routine returns the t_comin_plugin_info info that has been used by the 3rd party module at compile time.

abstract INTERFACE
SUBROUTINE comin_primaryconstructor_fct(ierr)
END SUBROUTINE comin_primaryconstructor_fct

During execution,

  • the primary constructor registers the plugin and acquires a handle (type t_comin_plugin_info).
  • the primary constructor appends subroutines of the 3rd party module to the callback register.
  • the 3rd party module may also register additional variables, e.g. tracers (via comin_variable::comin_var_request_add()).

The module handle is basically a ComIn-internal ID that is used to identify a specific plugin during the subsequent operations. Users do not access the module ID explicitly; later on, for example, the calling module for a callback function can be implicitly identified by the wrapping ComIn handler routine.

The options character string mentioned above becomes available as the options member in t_comin_plugin_description.

Important remark: We strongly advise plugin developers to add proper prefixes to global symbols (variables, functions). This ensures that these symbols remain unique in all variations of library linking.

Secondary constructor

A secondary constructor is called after the allocation of ICON variable lists and fields and before the time loop.

  • It obtains readable and/or writable pointers to the ICON data fields: data pointers can be mapped to internal variables of the 3rd party module.
  • The call to the secondary constructor is realized as a callback itself, therefore the description in the following section applies.

Finalize initialization phase

At the last part of the initialization phase, the callback to a final initialization entry point is called. This gives the plugins an additional entry point to finish their initialization. The entry point is named EP_<COMP>_INIT_FINALIZE, reflecting the fact that this is the place to finalize the initial setup in the plugins.

Entry points (callbacks)

Entry points denote events during the ICON model simulation, which can trigger a subroutine call of the 3rd party module. Entry points are denoted by named integer constants, e.g.

& ep_destructor

The set of entry points may change between different versions of the adapter library, but integer constants are defined in a backward compatible fashion. The name of a entry point based on the named integer constant can be determined with a call to comin_callback_get_ep_name.

SUBROUTINE comin_current_get_ep_name(iep, out_ep_name, ierr)
void comin_callback_get_ep_name(int iep, char out_ep_name[MAX_LEN_EP_NAME+1], int* ierr);


  • The entry point EP_DESTRUCTOR always denotes the last entry in the enumeration. This easily provides the total number of entry points to ComIn.
  • Apart from this, the entry point IDs may change and thus backward compatibility is not given in this respect.
  • Callbacks are not intended to be used below ICON's "block-loop level" but have a rather moderate calling frequency (i.e. several times per time step but not dozens of times).
  • If an entry point is located inside a domain loop the call to comin_callback_context_call() is executed with the argument DOMAIN_OUTSIDE_LOOP instead of the domain id. The information from where in the host code the callback is executed is accessible from ComIn via the comin_current_get_domain_id() routine. It returns the domain id, which can however be DOMAIN_OUTSIDE_LOOP if it encompasses all domains, and ierr, which equals 0 in a successful call.

Note that the adapter library exposes ICON model variables with respect to these entry points, together with in-/out-semantics (see the section on read/write access). Therefore, after the secondary constructor has been processed, the data flow for each entry point and every 3rd party module is known to the callback registry.

Naming convention

The Entry point names and ids are constructed as follows:


  • <COMP>: the model component, e.g. ATM, OCE, LND...
  • <PROCESS|LOOP>: name of the entry point's corresponding physical process or loop in the model
  • [BEFORE|AFTER]: position of the entry point in the call sequence, before or after the corresponding physical process or loop
  • [START|END]: inside a loop, the entry point at the beginning (right after DO) has suffix START, the entry point at the end (right before END DO) has suffix END

The character length of an entry point name cannot exceed MAX_LEN_EP_NAME (currently set to 32), which is defined in include/global.inc.

Exceptions from this naming scheme are EP_SECONDARY_CONSTRUCTOR, EP_FINISH, EP_DESTRUCTOR, and the final entry point of the initialization phase EP_<COMP>_INIT_FINALIZE.

List of entry points

Entry point ID description call interval
EP_SECONDARY_CONSTRUCTOR secondary constructor, initial phase once in simulation
EP_ATM_YAC_DEFCOMP_BEFORE just before the component definition of yac once in simulation
EP_ATM_YAC_DEFCOMP_AFTER after the component definition of yac once in simulation
EP_ATM_YAC_SYNCDEF_BEFORE just before the config synchronisation of yac once in simulation
EP_ATM_YAC_SYNCDEF_AFTER after the config synchronisation of yac once in simulation
EP_ATM_YAC_ENDDEF_BEFORE just before the end of the config definition of yac once in simulation
EP_ATM_YAC_ENDDEF_AFTER just before the end of the config definition of yac once in simulation
EP_ATM_INIT_FINALIZE end of initial phase once in simulation
EP_ATM_TIMELOOP_BEFORE just before start of the time loop once in simulation
EP_ATM_TIMELOOP_START at the beginning of the time loop every (global) time step
EP_ATM_TIMELOOP_END just before the end of the time loop every (global) time step
EP_ATM_TIMELOOP_AFTER after the time loop is finished once in simulation
EP_ATM_INTEGRATE_BEFORE before the integration is called every (global) time step
EP_ATM_INTEGRATE_START start of the integration loop every (nested) time step
EP_ATM_INTEGRATE_END end of the integration loop every (nested) time step
EP_ATM_INTEGRATE_AFTER after the integration loop every (global) time step
EP_ATM_WRITE_OUTPUT_BEFORE before the call to model output every (nested) time step
EP_ATM_WRITE_OUTPUT_AFTER after the call to model output every (nested) time step
EP_ATM_CHECKPOINT_BEFORE before the call to model's checkpoint writing checkpoint interval
EP_ATM_CHECKPOINT_AFTER after the call to model's checkpoint writing checkpoint interval
EP_ATM_ADVECTION_BEFORE before advection every (nested) time step
EP_ATM_ADVECTION_AFTER after advection every (nested) time step
EP_ATM_PHYSICS_BEFORE before physics every (nested) time step
EP_ATM_PHYSICS_AFTER after physics every (nested) time step
EP_ATM_NUDGING_BEFORE before nudging every (nested) time step
EP_ATM_NUDGING_AFTER after nudging every (nested) time step
EP_ATM_SURFACE_BEFORE before surface scheme every (nested) time step
EP_ATM_SURFACE_AFTER after surface scheme every (nested) time step
EP_ATM_TURBULENCE_BEFORE before turbulence scheme every (nested) time step
EP_ATM_TURBULENCE_AFTER after turbulence scheme every (nested) time step
EP_ATM_MICROPHYSICS_BEFORE before microphysics every (nested) time step
EP_ATM_MICROPHYSICS_AFTER after microphysics every (nested) time step
EP_ATM_CONVECTION_BEFORE before convection every (nested) time step
EP_ATM_CONVECTION_AFTER after convection every (nested) time step
EP_ATM_RADIATION_BEFORE before radiation every (nested) time step
EP_ATM_RADIATION_AFTER after radiation every (nested) time step
EP_ATM_RADHEAT_BEFORE before radiative heating every (nested) time step
EP_ATM_RADHEAT_AFTER after radiative heating every (nested) time step
EP_ATM_GWDRAG_BEFORE before gravity waves every (nested) time step
EP_ATM_GWDRAG_AFTER after gravity waves every (nested) time step
EP_FINISH in the model's finish subroutine in case of an exception
EP_DESTRUCTOR immediately before MPI_Finalize once in simulation


  • If a physical process in the model is switched off, the corresponding entry points are still called.
  • Entry points in the integration loop are called each (sub-)time step, regardless if the corresponding physical process is configured to operate on a reduced calling frequency (e.g. reduced calling frequency for radiation).
  • The entry points corresponding to the checkpointing are called only if the model's checkpointing is triggered for the current time step.
  • Depending on the model's configuration not all entry points may be called!

Appending function pointers to entry points

The primary constructor appends subroutines of the 3rd party module to the callback register via the adapter library subroutine comin_callback_register().

abstract INTERFACE
SUBROUTINE comin_callback_routine() BIND(C)
END SUBROUTINE comin_callback_routine
SUBROUTINE comin_callback_register(entry_point_id, fct_ptr, ierr) BIND(C)
INTEGER, INTENT(IN), VALUE :: entry_point_id
PROCEDURE(comin_callback_routine) :: fct_ptr
END SUBROUTINE comin_callback_register
void comin_callback_register(int entry_point_id, CALLBACK_PTR fct_ptr, int *ierr)


  • It is not necessary to attach function pointers to every available entry point.
  • Each 3rd party module may attach only a single function pointer to a given entry point. Each call to comin_callback_register overwrites previous callback settings.
  • Calls of the comin_callback_register, which happen after the 3rd party module's primary constructor, are ignored. Internally, the callback register is "sealed" by a call to the subroutine comin_callback_complete.
  • During a simulation the current entry point can be requested via comin_current_get_ep(). This is for example useful if one routine is called from several entry points but should exhibit slightly different behavior.

For a specific entry point, each plugin may register only one callback routine. Allowing multiple callbacks per component would require complex extension of the relatively simple ComIn interface, especially if components are allowed to intertwine their callbacks. Advice to users: There is still the possibility to write wrappers (summarizing multiple callbacks), or to register the same 3rd party library as multiple independent ComIn components.

Processing order

The processing order is important when multiple 3rd party modules are present. Currently, the processing order is specified by the order in which plugins are registered. Additional options to set the processing order are not available in the first release but ordering via runtime settings (Fortran namelists) is planned. The ordering may then also differ between individual entry points.

MPI communicators

3rd party plugins may use MPI collective calls to communicate with external processes. To this end, the ComIn library provides dedicated MPI communicators which are accessible via the two functions comin_parallel_get_plugin_mpi_comm() and comin_parallel_get_host_mpi_comm(). In addition, comin_parallel_get_host_mpi_rank() allows to receive information on the rank within the MPI communicator of the host model from within the plugin's callback function.

Here, the different MPI communicators have the following scope:

  • comin_parallel_get_host_mpi_comm(): MPI communicator, comprising ICON participating PEs.
  • comin_parallel_get_plugin_mpi_comm(): MPI communicator, comprising ComIn participating PEs (including the host model). This function is called within a plugin's callback function to get MPI communicator which contains all MPI tasks of the host model together with the plugin's external MPI partners (if any).

With the above MPI communicator mpi_comm in combination with the topological data structure above, it is straightforward for 3rd party modules to create other MPI communicators which, e.g., contain all PEs with prognostic grid points (via MPI_COMM_SPLIT).

Note that the C interface for the MPI communicator query functions also provides the (integer/MPI_Fint) Fortran communicator handles instead of the struct MPI_Comm. This solution was chosen deliberately, because if MPI_Comm would appear in the signature of the ComIn function, the #include <mpi.h> would become an MPI dependency for all plugins. C developers can convert the handles using the function MPI_Comm_f2c(...) (#include <mpi.h>).

Parallel plugin registration

The ComIn allows plugins to be set PE-wise. This is deliberately provided as an option, for example to support the following use case: A diagnostic subroutine could be attached to the host model to perform some collective MPI operations. Afterwards it would write/plot them with Python - but only on the first PE. In practice, this PE could be a head node (vector host), and it would only need to support this task, as opposed to the other "worker" PEs. An elegant solution here would be to implement two different plugins, a Python plugin for PE#0 and a C plugin for the remaining PEs, using the same plugin communicator.

MPI handshake at startup

Problematic situations may occur when both, the ComIn plugins and the host model itself, apply a splitting of MPI communicators. For example, this is the case when the ICON model itself couples to external processes via the YAC coupler and, at the same time, uses the ICON ComIn library.

The ComIn setup therefore uses a procedure for the communicator splitting ("MPI handshake") that has been harmonized with the respective algorithm of the YAC coupler software. It is depicted in the following diagram and is compatible with the reference implementation https://gitlab.dkrz.de/dkrz-sw/mpi-handshake. The example summarizes a situation in which the ICON ocean model couples with an external package "FESOM", while the atmospheric part of ICON uses ComIn to communicate with an MPI process "ComInExternal".

participant fesom as FESOM
participant icono as ICON-O
participant icona as ICON-A
participant cominext as ComInExternal
rect rgb(200,200,200)
fesom-->cominext: Handshake 1
Note over fesom,icona: group yac
Note over icono,icona: group icon
Note over icono,cominext: group comin
fesom-->icona: call yac_init(yac)
icono-->icona: split icon > icon-o,icon-a
rect rgb(200,200,200)
icono-->cominext: Handshake 2
Note over icona,cominext: group comin-a

Build process

The ICON model offers a single configure option to enable the use of the ComIn library:

  • ./configure --with-comin=${ICON_COMIN_DIR} This option provides the root path of the ComIn adapter library, automatically adding the necessary settings for LIBS and FCFLAGS.

The host models remaining FCFLAGS (INCLUDE) and LIBS path are provided as usual to the configure script. As described above, the 3rd party plugins are loaded dynamically at runtime, therefore the respective flags and build options are independent from these settings.

The ComIn library can be build as a static as well as a shared library. The behavior is controlled by the cmake flag -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS.

Preprocessor variable for conditional compilation

In the host model, the compilation of ComIn can be (de-)activated with the preprocessor macro

#ifndef __NO_ICON_COMIN__

Library dependencies

If a user has a ComIn extension, which uses YAC, YAXT or similar, different versions of these libraries could be introduced while building the plugins and the host model itself.

To avoid potential conflicts, the following installation procedure is suggested for, e.g., YAXT library dependencies:

  1. Build YAXT separately on the target platform.
  2. Configure the 3rd party module build based on this YAXT library.
  3. Configure ICON with the 3rd party module and the (common) YAXT library.

C/C++ and Python interfaces

The implementation covers the majority of routines for C/C++ plugins equivalent to Fortran features (see $BASEDIR/comin/src/comin_plugin_interface.F90 for routines and types accessible to Fortran plugins). The C interface handles nearly all data structures through getter and setting functions. The alternative implementation method, namely the direct exposure of Fortran derived types as C structs via the BIND(C) attribute has not been chosen because the use of Fortran ALLOCATABLE, POINTER or SEQUENCE attributes causes subtle problems. There is the exception of struct t_comin_var_descriptor which represents the ubiquitous search key for variables. The routines accessible to C/C++ plugins are listed and explained in this section below (the C/C++ routine access is provided via comin.h and sub-header files).

By wp the selection of the real kind used for global and parallel domain data grids is set in ICON ComIn. Presently the default in ICON ComIn is to use C_DOUBLE as real kind.

int wp;

C programming enumeration (enum) types are applied to give access to lists of constants. These incorporate a list of entry points into ICON that is available to 3rd party plugins via comin.h (ENTRY_POINT). Moreover, a list of flags (VARACCESS_FLAG) and a list of integer constants providing an interpretation of the vertical axis are also included. Accessibility in Fortran is granted to C/C++ plugins via the BIND(C) attribute given in the Fortran ENUM statement.

enum ZAXIS;
Definition comin.h:33
Definition comin.h:78
Definition comin.h:85

Various auxiliary routines to expose specific grid data and domain information, quantities, such as longitude and latitude data grids, and values via comin_header_c_ext_descrdata_get_domain.h and comin_header_c_ext_descrdata_get_global.h as part of comin.h are provided by specific pointer access routines. These specific grid data quantities, arrays and structures are part of global and domain data structures within ICON. The derived types in ICON ComIn are found in $BASEDIR/comin/src/comin_descrdata.F90. The derived type components are partly allocatable and specified at runtime. Several of them are also defined as Fortran POINTER. Therefore, access is provided to the C/C++ plugins via pointer handles to the overarching data structures establishing read and at times write access via query routines. For example, via the routine comin_descrdata_get_domain_cells the grid cell coordinates and parameters are exposed to C/C++ plugins. Further routines are then employed to provide access to these entities. In particular, comin_descrdata_get_domain_cells_clon and comin_descrdata_get_domain_cells_clat provide access to longitude and latitude coordinates. The C/C++ interfaces are partly generated automatically by Python scripts (comin_build_header_descrdata_get_domain.py, comin_build_header_descrdata_get_global.py and comin_build_linked_lists.py). These scripts are located in the $BASEDIR/comin/utils directory and have to be called from there in case changes in the code affecting the descriptive data structures are implemented.

The Python interface (import comin) registers new callbacks through decorators (@comin.register_callback(entrypoint)). It provides the data structures and functions

comin.request_add_var(namestr, id, lmodexclusive)
comin.var_get([entrypoint], (namestr, id))

Host model implementation

Entry points

Mandatory entry points

The following entry points are mandatory:

  • EP_SECONDARY_CONSTRUCTOR: in the initialization phase
  • EP_DESTRUCTOR: before the model returns from execution (usually before MPI_Finalize)
  • EP_FINISH: before the model returns in case an exception is detected


  • EP_<COMP>_INIT_FINALIZE: at the final phase of initialization of the model component <COMP>. This gives the plugins the possibility to finalize their initial setup.

Best practices

The subroutine calls of the callback subroutine ("entry points") should be outside of any IF or CASE constructs related to the host model's physical processes. The callbacks should be executed even if the corresponding physical process is switched off in the host model. If the physical process in the host model is called on a longer interval than the time step in the corresponding model domain (nest), the callback subroutine should be called every time step.

For clarity, it is recommended to enclose each entry point with their own #ifdef environment, even if two entry points follow each other directly.

For each physical process of the host model the corresponding entry points should be included pairwise, before and after the call of the physical process (_BEFORE and _AFTER). For loops, there should be four entry points. Before and after the loop (_BEFORE and _AFTER), and at the beginning and the end of the loop, directly after DO and before END DO (_START, _END).

#ifndef __NO_ICON_COMIN__
CALL comin_callback_context_call(ep_atm_physics_before, jg)

Filling and updating descriptive data

The descriptive data structures in ComIn are filled by calls of the respective routines from ICON. These are

  • icon_expose_descrdata_global
  • icon_expose_descrdata_domain
  • icon_expose_descrdata_state
  • icon_expose_descrdata_parallel
  • icon_expose_timesteplength_domain

and they are called with the input parameters from ICON as

SUBROUTINE icon_expose_descrdata_global(n_dom, max_dom, nproma, min_rlcell_int, min_rlcell, &
& grf_bdywidth_c, grf_bdywidth_e, lrestart, vct_a)
INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: max_dom
INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: min_rlcell_int
INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: min_rlcell
INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: grf_bdywidth_c
INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: grf_bdywidth_e
LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: lrestart
REAL(wp), INTENT(IN) :: vct_a(:)
TYPE(t_comin_descrdata_global) :: comin_descrdata_global_data
! fill comin_descrdata_global_data
CALL comin_descrdata_set_global(comin_descrdata_global_data)
END SUBROUTINE icon_expose_descrdata_global
SUBROUTINE icon_expose_descrdata_domain(patch, number_of_grid_used, vgrid_buffer, start_time, end_time)
TYPE(t_patch), TARGET, INTENT(IN) :: patch(:)
INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: number_of_grid_used(:)
TYPE(t_vgrid_buffer), TARGET, INTENT(IN) :: vgrid_buffer(:)
REAL(wp), INTENT(IN) :: start_time(:), end_time(:)
TYPE(t_comin_descrdata_domain) :: comin_descrdata_domain(SIZE(patch))
! fill comin_descrdata_domain
CALL comin_descrdata_set_domain(comin_descrdata_domain)
END SUBROUTINE icon_expose_descrdata_domain

For icon_expose_descrdata_domain in addition to p_patch as patch the vgrid_buffer variable is used to get access to z_ifc, which is not stored in p_nh_state(jg)metricsz_ifc at the time of the primary constructor.

SUBROUTINE icon_expose_descrdata_state(sim_time_start, sim_time_end, sim_time_current, &
run_time_start, run_time_stop)
CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: sim_time_start
CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: sim_time_end
CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: sim_time_current
CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: run_time_start
CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: run_time_stop
TYPE(t_comin_descrdata_state) :: comin_descrdata_state
! fill comin_descrdata_state
CALL comin_descrdata_set_state(comin_descrdata_state)
END SUBROUTINE icon_expose_descrdata_state

As the simulation status in t_comin_descrdata_state is stored as ISO 8601 character strings a conversion using the datetimeToString procedure is required. This is using components of time_config from mo_time_config.

SUBROUTINE icon_expose_descrdata_parallel(patch)
TYPE(t_patch), TARGET, INTENT(IN) :: patch(:)
TYPE(t_comin_descrdata_parallel) :: comin_descrdata_parallel(SIZE(patch))
! fill comin_descrdata_parallel
CALL comin_descrdata_set_parallel_cell(comin_descrdata_parallel)
END SUBROUTINE icon_expose_descrdata_parallel

For icon_expose_descrdata_parallel p_patch is read as patch.

The additional routine expose_timesteplength_domain fills the time steps for each domain.

RECURSIVE SUBROUTINE expose_timesteplength_domain(jg, dt_current)
REAL(wp), INTENT(IN) :: dt_current
CALL comin_descrdata_set_timesteplength(jg, dt_current)
DO jn=1,p_patch(jg)%n_childdom
CALL expose_timesteplength_domain(p_patch(jg)%child_id(jn), dt_current/2.0_wp)
END SUBROUTINE expose_timesteplength_domain

During a simulation icon_update_descrdata_state() will be called to execute comin_descrdata_update_state() and update sim_current of comin_descrdata_state. In ICON the routine is called from src/atm_dyn_iconam/mo_nh_stepping when mtime_current is updated in perform_nh_timeloop.

SUBROUTINE icon_update_descrdata_state(sim_time_current)
CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: sim_time_current
CALL comin_descrdata_update_state(sim_time_current)
END SUBROUTINE icon_update_descrdata_state

Note that the names of the routines might be slightly different in the minimal example.

To finalize the descriptive data from the host model the routine comin_descrdata_finalize can be called. Note that currently the routine does not contain instructions.

Summary of library functions and data structures (Doxygen)

To summarize the previous sections, the adapter library provides the following data structures and library functions. Built-in subroutines and functions of the adapter library do not access data except their respective arguments.

Fortran API C/C++ API Python API
comin_setup_get_verbosity_level int comin_setup_get_verbosity_level() comin.setup_get_verbosity_level
comin_current_get_ep int comin_current_get_ep()
comin_current_get_domain_id int comin_current_get_domain_id() comin.current_get_domain_id
comin_current_get_datetime void comin_current_get_datetime(char const**,int*,int*) comin.comin_current_get_datetime
comin_current_get_plugin_info int comin_current_get_plugin_id() comin.current_get_plugin_info
void comin_current_get_plugin_name(char const **, int*, int*)
void comin_current_get_plugin_options(char const **,int*,int*)
void comin_current_get_plugin_comm(char const **,int*,int*)
comin_parallel_get_plugin_mpi_comm int comin_parallel_get_plugin_mpi_comm() comin.parallel_get_plugin_mpi_comm
comin_parallel_get_host_mpi_comm int comin_parallel_get_host_mpi_comm() comin.parallel_get_host_mpi_comm
comin_parallel_get_host_mpi_rank int comin_parallel_get_host_mpi_rank() comin.parallel_get_host_mpi_rank
comin_plugin_finish void comin_plugin_finish(const char*,const char*) comin.finish
comin_var_request_add void comin_var_request_add(struct t_comin_var_descriptor,_Bool,int*) comin.var_request_add
comin_var_get void* comin_var_get(int,int*,struct t_comin_var_descriptor,int) comin.var_get
double* comin_var_get_ptr(void*)
void comin_var_get_shape(void*,int[5],int*)
void comin_var_get_pos(void*,int*,int*,int*,int*,int*)
void comin_var_get_ncontained(void*,int*,int*)
comin_var_get_descr_list_head void* comin_var_get_descr_list_head()
void* comin_var_get_descr_list_next()
void comin_var_get_descr_list_var_desc(void*,struct t_comin_var_descriptor*,int*)
comin_callback_register void comin_callback_register(int,CALLBACK_PTR ,int*)
comin_callback_get_ep_name void comin_callback_get_ep_name(int,char,int*) comin.callback_get_ep_name(iep)
comin_metadata_get_typeid int comin_metadata_get_typeid(const char*)
comin_metadata_set void comin_metadata_set_integer(struct t_comin_var_descriptor, const char*,int val, int*) comin.metadata_set
void comin_metadata_set_logical(struct t_comin_var_descriptor, const char*,_Bool val, int*)
void comin_metadata_set_real(struct t_comin_var_descriptor, const char*,double val, int*)
void comin_metadata_set_character(struct t_comin_var_descriptor, const char*,char const*,int*)
comin_metadata_get void comin_metadata_get_integer(struct t_comin_var_descriptor,const char*,int* val, int*) comin.metadata_get
void comin_metadata_get_logical(struct t_comin_var_descriptor,const char*,_Bool* val, int*)
void comin_metadata_get_real(struct t_comin_var_descriptor,const char*,double* val, int*)
void comin_metadata_get_character(struct t_comin_var_descriptor,const char*,char const**,int*,int*)
comin_descrdata_get_timesteplength double comin_descrdata_get_timesteplength(int) comin.descrdata_get_timesteplength
comin_descrdata_get_index int comin_descrdata_get_index(int) comin.descrdata_get_index
comin_descrdata_get_block int comin_descrdata_get_block(int)
comin_descrdata::comin_descrdata_get_cell_indices void comin_descrdata_get_cell_indices(int,int,int,int,int*,int*,int,int) comin.descrdata_get_cell_indices
comin_descrdata_get_cell_npromz int comin_descrdata_get_cell_npromz(int) comin.descrdata_get_cell_npromz
comin_descrdata_get_edge_npromz int comin_descrdata_get_edge_npromz(int) comin.descrdata_get_edge_npromz
comin_descrdata_get_vert_npromz int comin_descrdata_get_vert_npromz(int) comin.descrdata_get_vert_npromz
comin_descrdata_index_lookup_glb2loc_cell int comin_descrdata_index_lookup_glb2loc_cell(int,int)
comin_descrdata_get_simulation_interval void comin_descrdata_get_simulation_interval_exp_start(char const**,int*,int*)
void comin_descrdata_get_simulation_interval_exp_stop(char const**,int*,int*)
void comin_descrdata_get_simulation_interval_run_start(char const**,int*,int*)
void comin_descrdata_get_simulation_interval_run_stop(char const**,int*,int*)
comin_descrdata_get_domain comin_descrdata_get_global_XXX
comin_descrdata_get_global comin_descrdata_get_domain_XXX
comin_setup_version_info void comin_setup_get_version(unsigned int*,unsigned int*,unsigned int*)
comin_var_to_3d double* comin_var_to_3d(void*) myvariable.to_3d